
What I have done today are as follows:

1.Came up with a new solution to make  the drawings look smoother. Instead of drawing straight lines I will try to draw Bezier curves between each touch point. I want to  create an array to hold all the points that the path consists of. although I don’t know if this method is feasible,I want to have a try.  I found some tutorials about how to  draw Bezier curves by using swift language and learning about it.


2.Design a colorPicker 

The Paint app now can only provide four kinds of colors, so I want to make a color picker which can provide more kinds of colors and users can select colors they want by tapping the color picker.  I have made a new scene in the Main.storyboard to hold color picker.  I will implement this function later.

These two tasks above are what I want to complete in recently days.